Golang Tips

Golang Programming 教学视频截图 Bits Bit 图解 Bits 分组 Binary Number Signed & Unsigned Bits Signed vs Unsigned Bits Bits in Memory Memory Address Book vs Computer 信息存储 ASCII Data Type Data & Data Type Type 的使用 Memory 设备 Data 读写 Boolean 类型 Integer 类型 String 类型 Constant Constant 显式 vs 隐式

Docker Tips

Docker交流群组 Telegram Docker群组 YouTube视频 Docker Storage: Designing a Platform for Persistent Data Question: How do you deal with big companies that they can do it all?Speaker: #Solomon_Hykes Understand Kubernetes Kubernetes Deconstructed: Understanding Kubernetes by Breaking It Down 容器时间同步 1 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro


1. Android组件 Application Core Java Application framework: Android classes Native Lib: C/C++ libs Runtime: Dalvik / ART (Android Runtime) Linux kernel: Underlying OS Activity Service Started Service Bound Service ContentProvider BroadcastReceiver Linux进程 生命周期 2. Java多线程 基础 内部锁与Java监视


一)数据系统基础 1. 入门 可靠性 硬件故障 软件错误 人为错误 可扩展 负载描述 性能描述 应对负荷 可维护 便于操作 复杂性管理 易于改变 2. 数据模型与查询语言 关系模