Python Tips
1. 介绍
- 特征:轻便/一致/开发者生产力高/大量的库/软件质量/软件集成/满足与享受
文件 - Python编译后的字节码,然后被Python解释器运行使用Python的公司:Goolge, YouTube, Dropbox, Red Hat, IBM, HP, Yahoo …
使用Python的游戏:Battlefield 2,Civilization IV, QuArK …
Python用途:系统编程,Web开发,GUI应用,游戏和机器人,数据科学,数据库应用 …
注意: 简便起见,开发环境统一用Docker搭建, Docker for mac/win/linux, 安装详情请移步Docker贴士文集
在某些方面Python 2 和 Python 3不兼容
docker run -ti --rm python:alpine python
四种方式: Python脚本/Python交互式shell/Python服务/Python GUI应用
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➜ ~ docker run --rm -ti python:alpine python Python 3.7.0 (default, Jul 4 2018, 02:26:27) [GCC 6.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 1 + 1 2 >>> 100 / 23 4.3478260869565215 >>> 2 ** 2048 32317006071311007300714876688669951960444102669715484032130345427524655138867890893197201411522913463688717960921898019494119559150490921095088152386448283120630877367300996091750197750389652106796057638384067568276792218642619756161838094338476170470581645852036305042887575891541065808607552399123930385521914333389668342420684974786564569494856176035326322058077805659331026192708460314150258592864177116725943603718461857357598351152301645904403697613233287231227125684710820209725157101726931323469678542580656697935045997268352998638215525166389437335543602135433229604645318478604952148193555853611059596230656 >>>
GUI: PyQt / wxPython / PyGTK
文件 作为 Python模块- 包含
(Python 3.3 不再是必需的)文件夹 作为package
name vs namespace
from library.second_floor.section_x.row_three import book
Scopes (LEGB) 查找name的顺序: local -> enclosing -> global -> built-in
对象与类 类用来创建对象, 对象是类的实例
PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code
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➜ ~ docker run --rm -ti python:alpine python Python 3.7.0 (default, Jul 4 2018, 02:26:27) [GCC 6.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! >>> |
2. 数据类型
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➜ ~ docker run --rm -ti python:alpine python Python 3.7.0 (default, Jul 4 2018, 02:26:27) [GCC 6.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> |
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- 值可以改变的对象是mutable, 否则为immutable
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>>> age = 18 >>> id(age) 140068432251328 >>> age 18 >>> age = 30 >>> id(age) 140068432251712 >>> age 30 >>> >>> class Person(): ... def __init__(self, age): ... self.age = age ... >>> me = Person(age=30) >>> me.age 30 >>> id(me) 140068426091544 >>> id(me.age) 140068432251712 >>> me.age = 18 >>> id(me) 140068426091544 >>> id(me.age) 140068432251328 >>> |
内置类型: Numbers, Strings, Sequences, Collections 与 Mapping类型
- Integer(整数):
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>>> a = 18 >>> b = 3 >>> a + b 21 >>> a - b 15 >>> a * b 54 >>> a / b 6.0 >>> a // b 6 >>> a % b 0 >>> a ** b 5832 >>> |
- Boolean:
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>>> int(True) 1 >>> int(False) 0 >>> bool(1) True >>> bool(-1) True >>> bool(0) False >>> not True False >>> not False True >>> True and False False >>> False or True True >>> 1 + True 2 >>> 1 - False 1 >>> |
- Real Number(实数) (浮点型numbers):
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>>> pi = 3.1415926 >>> r = 10.5 >>> area = pi * (r ** 2) >>> area 346.36058415 >>> >>> import sys >>> sys.float_info sys.float_info(max=1.7976931348623157e+308, max_exp=1024, max_10_exp=308, min=2.2250738585072014e-308, min_exp=-1021, min_10_exp=-307, dig=15, mant_dig=53, epsilon=2.220446049250313e-16, radix=2, rounds=1) >>> >>> 0.3 - 0.1 * 3 -5.551115123125783e-17 >>> |
- Complex numbers(复数):
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>>> c = 3.14 + 2.73j >>> c (3.14+2.73j) >>> c.real 3.14 >>> c.imag 2.73 >>> c.conjugate() (3.14-2.73j) >>> c * 2 (6.28+5.46j) >>> c ** 2 (2.4067000000000007+17.1444j) >>> d = 1 + 1j >>> c - d (2.14+1.73j) >>> |
- Fractions(分数)与decimals(小数)
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>>> from fractions import Fraction >>> Fraction(100, 48) Fraction(25, 12) >>> Fraction(1,3) + Fraction(2,3) Fraction(1, 1) >>> f = Fraction(100000, 2358) >>> f.numerator 50000 >>> f.denominator 1179 >>> >>> from decimal import Decimal as D >>> D(3.1415926) Decimal('3.14159260000000006840537025709636509418487548828125') >>> D('3.1415926') Decimal('3.1415926') >>> D(0.1) * D(3) - D(0.3) Decimal('2.775557561565156540423631668E-17') >>> D('0.1') * D('3') - D('0.3') Decimal('0.0') >>> D('2.4').as_integer_ratio() (12, 5) >>> |
- strings(字符串)与bytes(字节):
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>>> str1 = 'Hello World' >>> str2 = "Hello World" >>> str3 = '''Hello World ... Hello World ... Hello World''' >>> str4 = """Hello World ... Hello World ... Hello World ... Hello World ... Hello World""" >>> len(str1) 11 >>> str4 'Hello World\nHello World\nHello World\nHello World\nHello World' >>> print(str4) Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World >>> >>> s = "Hello World Long Test Text" >>> s[0] 'H' >>> s[6] 'W' >>> s[:6] 'Hello ' >>> s[6:] 'World Long Test Text' >>> s[6:26:3] 'WlLge x' >>> s[:] 'Hello World Long Test Text' >>> |
- tuples(元组):
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>>> t=() >>> type(t) <class 'tuple'> >>> one_element_tuple=(18,) >>> three_element_tuple=(18,30,50) >>> a,b,c=1,2,3 >>> a,b,c (1, 2, 3) >>> >>> a,b=1,2 >>> a,b=b,a >>> a,b (2, 1) >>> |
- List:
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>>> [] [] >>> list() [] >>> [1,2,3] [1, 2, 3] >>> [x + 5 for x in [2,3,4]] [7, 8, 9] >>> list((1,3,5,7,9)) [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] >>> list('hello') ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] >>> |
- Byte arrays:
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>>> bytearray() bytearray(b'') >>> bytearray(10) bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') >>> bytearray(range(5)) bytearray(b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04') >>> me = bytearray(b'Paul') >>> me.endswith(b'l') True >>> me.upper() bytearray(b'PAUL') >>> me.count(b'l') 1 >>> |
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>>> s = set() >>> s.add(2) >>> s.add(5) >>> s.add(7) >>> s {2, 5, 7} >>> s.add(1) >>> s {1, 2, 5, 7} >>> s.remove(1) >>> s {2, 5, 7} >>> s.add(5) >>> s {2, 5, 7} >>> s2 = set([5,7,11]) >>> s | s2 {2, 5, 7, 11} >>> s & s2 {5, 7} >>> s - s2 {2} >>> >>> fs = frozenset([2,5,7]) >>> fs.add(2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'add' >>> fs frozenset({2, 5, 7}) >>> |
Mapping类型 - dictionaries(字典)
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>>> a = dict(A=2, B=3) >>> b = {'A': 2, 'B': 3} >>> c = dict(zip(['A', 'B'], [2, 3])) >>> d = dict([('A',2), ('B',3)]) >>> e = dict({'A': 2, 'B': 3}) >>> a == b == c == d == e True >>> |
字典式类 用于创建多个mappingsCounter
字典子类 用于计数哈希对象OrderedDict
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>>> from collections import namedtuple >>> Vision = namedtuple('Vision', ['left', 'right']) >>> vision = Vision(18,30) >>> vision.left 18 >>> |
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>>> from enum import Enum >>> class TrafficLight(Enum): ... GREEN=1 ... YELLOW=2 ... RED=3 ... >>> TrafficLight.GREEN <TrafficLight.GREEN: 1> >>> 'GREEN' >>> TrafficLight.GREEN.value 1 >>> |
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>>> a = 1 >>> b = 1 >>> id(a) == id(b) True >>> a = 100000 >>> b = 100000 >>> id(a) == id(b) False >>>
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>>> a = list(range(5)) >>> a [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> len(a) 5 >>> a[len(a)-1] 4 >>> a[-1] 4 >>> a[-2] 3 >>> a[-5] 0
3. 迭代与决策
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>>> late = False >>> if late: ... print('I need call my manager') ... else: ... print('no need to call my manager') ... no need to call my manager >>> >>> if alert_system == 'console': ... print('console logging') ... elif alert_system == 'email': ... print('sending email') ... else: ... print('no logging') ... console logging >>> |
- 三元运算符
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>>> can_discount = True >>> total = 100 if can_discount else 50 >>> total 100 >>> can_discount = False >>> total = 100 if can_discount else 50 >>> total 50 >>> |
- for
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>>> for number in [18, 30, 50]: ... print(number) ... 18 30 50 >>> |
- range
1 2 |
>>> list(range(3,8)) [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] |
- Sequence
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>>> surnames = ['Paul', 'llitfkitfk', 'Tian'] >>> for surname in surnames: ... print(surname) ... Paul llitfkitfk Tian >>> |
- for 循环可以用于lists / tuples等可以迭代的任何类型
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>>> people = ['Paul', 'llitfkitfk', 'Tian'] >>> ages = [18, 30, 45] >>> for person, age in zip(people, ages): ... print(person, age) ... Paul 18 llitfkitfk 30 Tian 45 >>> |
- while
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>>> n = 39 >>> while n > 0: ... remainder = n % 2 ... remainders.insert(0, remainder) ... n //= 2 ... >>> print(remainders) >>> >>> products = ['car', 'bike', 'truck'] >>> for product in products: ... if product == 'car': ... continue ... print(product) ... bike truck >>> |
break & continue
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>>> class DriverException(Exception): ... pass ... >>> products = ['car', 'bike', 'truck'] >>> for product in products: ... if product == 'ship': ... buy = 'ship' ... break ... else: ... raise DriverException('Driver not found') ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module> __main__.DriverException: Driver not found >>> |